Professional teeth whitening service

To whiten teeth effectively, you will need professional teeth whitening from the dentists at Clean Dental. If your teeth are yellowed or stained, cosmetic teeth whitening may be your best choice. Our teeth can become damaged and stained by any number of everyday activities, such as drinking tea or excessively smoking. Even those who keep up with good dental health may still need that extra boost to get their teeth back to looking fresh and pearly white.  

At Clean Teeth Dental, we believe we offer the best teeth whitening in Auckland. Our quality cosmetic dentistry teamwill examine your teeth and figure out how to whiten your teeth in the easiest and most affordable way. Teeth whitening is not just for extreme cases; it is for anyone looking to improve the aesthetic quality of their smile.

Common Reasons Your Teeth Need Professional Teeth Whitening

Your teeth can become yellow and stained, even if you are brushing and flossing every day. Our teeth go through a lot, and there are some everyday habits you may not even know are damaging your teeth. Here are just a few things we find in patients who come to our clinic to whiten their teeth.  

Coffee, tea or red wine. Coffee or tea may get you through the day, but at a cost to the colour of your teeth. The properties of these drinks are unfortunately rough on our teeth, and regular drinkers will notice their teeth have become yellowed or stained.  

Smoking and vaping. For years we have known that smoking cigarettes leads to damaged, yellow teeth, but did you know vaping has a similar effect? Like cigarettes, vaping leads to a build-up of plaque and damages the gums. While it may be a better alternative to smoking, it is sadly no better for your teeth.

Contact Us for Teeth Whitening in our North Shore, Auckland Dental Clinic Today

Our dentists take a new, modern approach to teeth whitening services, and our regular patients can attest to this; we are excellent at what we do. We take care of all kinds of dental issues, whether they be large or small, so do not be afraid to come to us for your dental needs. Little things tend to build up to affect our dental health, and its best to take care of problems as they arise. Working with one of our dentists, we can determine just what you need and how we can go about working on your teeth. Take back your smile today by contacting us on 09 600 3110.