How to cure gum disease

If you have bleeding gums, recession, chronic bad breath, or deep periodontal pockets, it is evident you have gum disease!

Some products like toothpaste or mouthwash claim to be able to eliminate the bacteria. Unfortunately, multiple studies, and clinical experience show that regular mechanical removal of plaque and tartar is the only solution in managing the progression of gum disease! 

So what is mechanical cleaning? 

There are two types of cleaning:

- Professional cleaning includes treatments like deep scaling, Perioscopy/surgery-assisted root planing, and periodontal maintenance. Choose your provider wisely. Their skills, equipment, and experience will make a crucial difference in the outcome of your treatment. 

- Personal Cleaning includes tooth brushing and inter-spacial cleaning with floss or interdental brushes. The dental care you perform at home counts for 50% of the overall result. How to get good at homecare? The answer is simple - get good professional help. No one was born knowing how to brush and floss like a pro. These are acquired skills. Learn the correct techniques, and your gums will thank you for that later. 

Where to start? 

- Have a periodontal examination done. Correct diagnosis is crucial to prescribing the appropriate treatment. 

- Get the gum treatment done. It’s not as scary as many people believe. There is a variety of pain management options to make it comfortable.

- Do your part. Home care is paramount. Your efforts and consistency will determine your overall treatment outcome.

- Follow your maintenance plan. Consistency is the key. Vigilant management of a maintenance stage is the secret to long-term treatment success. 

If you think you have gum disease and need the help of highly experienced professionals, then book online for a consultation, and let’s get your mouth healthy again!

Victoria Riechelmann