porcelain veneers and crowns are a great way to transform your smile

Porcelain veneers can enhance, whiten and improve the shape, size or color of your teeth. Patients in Auckland chose to come to our dental clinic because of advanced technology, many years experience and so many happy client reviews. We take care to provide porcelain hand made veneers as individual as you are. Keeping the overall design within the golden proportions of the smile. Its important to remember although veneers is a great option for many patients, having them done properly is very important. During the initial consultation our cosmetic dental Dr Marwan Wadea will assess risks and goals of the dental treatment. Discuss options and cost involved, provide necessary quote and outline the treatment priorities. Dental veneers if done right can dramatically transform your smile giving you a new found confidence.

We carefully study and diagnose every single case and design a smile. We take photographs, x-rays and take a 3D scan of your teeth. Then our team will work on studding and essentially designing new smile for you using modern software and finishing the design by hand. We stay up to date with modern dental equipment and our clinic is one of the few who had intra-oral scanner allowing us to utilize all what the dental technology can offer to minimize risk and foresee future challenges when it comes to treatment.